My old partner, referred to on my site many times as Cinema Works Entertainment, has re branded. Way to quietly, yet as very loudy to those who sought that brand, much happened before this re brand decision. Briefly here is how my friend and irreplaceable once
came to that new braninhgof self , rebranding decision (rip CWE))
CWE is Jordan Presseault
Leaving North Bay to Toronto pre covid to work on the TV show Holmes on Holmes, Jordan at the shows end was hired by a satellite navigation systems company...producing and shooting video content for market expansion through to his editing of the media content the resulting content showed he still placed high importance to his storytelling style. . The new venture took him to locations overseas producing product demonstration videos his company's satellite product was in use for. Not surprisingly to me, he soon became the manager of their Video Content division of 200 creatives strong.
Then....covid hit. It was a while into the pandemic...until one day, without notice, the whole division was let go just like that, another casualty of covid.
Covid did nothing to suppress his fact he sent me video one day that proved covid only ignited his passion. My old partner's passion me away....
in basement:,
He started banging out videos like the ones above and below in his covid locked down basement. These videos helped lead to his re-brand Toronto video by Jordan
Typical share:
It's been since 2021 we last worked together. Since leaving North Bay, he's also became a father, a husband and new friend to others. Gotta many respects, but in media pursuits for certain I've found no equal in the honour ,respect, generosity of such a talent since.
He is currently doing advanced graphics as well and loving it.
Check out his You tube Channel Frree knowledge:,
His website again is Toronto video by Jordan

Stay creative!